“Reproducible Research and Open Science”

We cordially invite you to the 7th Open Science Retreat – this time with a focus on “Reproducible Research and Open Science.” Reproducing research results is an important activity for academic transparency and quality control, regardless of the outcome. In practice, however, factors such as insufficient availability of data and code as well as inadequate documentation of the methodology hinder the reproduction of research results. Additionally, reproduction attempts and their results currently play a minor role in scholarly communication. Institutions and practices that foster Open Methodologies, FAIR Data and Open Code can offer solutions to these challenges.

As we come together for this retreat, we aim to delve deeper into these issues through engaging discussions and collaborative sessions. The OSR will kick off with insightful keynote statements of distinguished experts dealing with reproducible research – either in their own research or as practitioners, advocates, and policy-makers. The following interactive discussions shall focus on sharing experiences of best practices and lessons learnt, and on identifying ways to solve the addressed challenges. 

We look forward to your participation and insights as we collectively explore ways to overcome challenges and harness the opportunities in Reproducible Research and Open Science.


Day 1:
September 10, 2024

13.30 – 13.40 Welcome address (Prof. Dr. Marianne Saam, ZBW)

13.40 14.20 Impulse statements from

14.20 – 14.30 Questions from the participants to the speakers

14.30 – 14.40 Short Break

14.40 – 15.05 Exchange and discussion in break-out groups: Opinion and experiences of the participants on the contents from the impulse statements

15.05 – 15.25 In plenary: short statement from every break-out group (feeding the insights back into the panel)

15.25 – 15.30 Outlook day 2

Day 2:
September 11, 2024

13.30 – 13.40 Welcome & wrap up day 1 (Prof. Dr. Marianne Saam, ZBW)

13.40 – 13.50 Introduction of focus of day 2

13.50 – 15.00 Exchange and discussion in break-out groups including a 10-min break

To guide our discussions, we propose the following questions:

  • What would be a minimum standard of reproducibility?
  • What (science policy) framework conditions are needed for a practical implementation of reproducibility?
  • What are effective strategies across the different scientific disciplines for promoting and implementing reproducible research practices?

15.00 – 15.20 In plenary: short statement from every break-out group (feeding the insights back into the panel)

15.20 – 15.30 Farewell and outlook to upcoming Open Science Retreats

Deadline for application: 19 August 2024

Registration is closed.

Our next topic is

„Artificial Intelligence and Open Science“
Date: 11 and 12 March 2025, 13:30-15:30 CET
More information will follow.

Are you interested in past retreats and their results? Check out the reviews here

ZBW Open Science Engagement

The ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (www.zbw.eu) presents its activities in Open Science: a triad of research, engagement and development for Open Science.